Posted: April 3, 2012 in Books, Christianity, Education, Family, History, Life, News, Parenting, Quotes, Uncategorized

“But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

– Psalm 131:2 NIV

Peace comes easy to me when everything around me in my universe is aligned the way that makes me feel comfortable, at ease and relaxed. The moment something within my universe moves out of its orbit, my peace goes with it. Within the past year, however, I have discovered verses like Psalm 131:2 that encourage me to speak to the storms and battles that rage and war within me from day-to-day, moment to moment, so I may encounter that peace that passes all understanding. That peace I can learn to access and walk in even when everything around me in my universe is out of orbit. Even when it appears my universe is being consumed by a disastrous black hole, I can rest in the assurance and confidence of God’s sovereign power that He is still in control, He reigns and He will fulfill His promises to me and perform what He speaks. I have learned to look to Him and wait with expectancy for the word he will speak from the throne of His sanctuary that brings peace to me in my universe.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27 NIV From the throne of His sanctuary, through the Spirit of his Son, God speaks peace to us, but we have to learn to speak it to ourselves. The psalmist in Psalm 131:2 acknowledged the need to still and quiet his soul. By the authority of His Name and His word, we have the ability to speak peace to our souls, even in the face of great tribulation, persecution and hardship. This is the peace that passes all understanding the Apostle Paul proclaims that comes as the result of sincere prayer in the book of Philippians. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

The sick woman’s trek towards her appointed healing and restoration was prayer in action. Instead of remaining in a state of depletion and disappointment with a debilitating sickness that lasted 12 years, she took action and took her hope for healing to the One she believed could make her whole. Like the little engine that could she kept progressing towards Jesus, pressing forward, pushing through the crowd that pressed against Jesus. ‘If I can just touch Him, I will be healed!’ The sick woman believed she would be healed and her belief put her in a position to receive what she believed. After 12 long, arduous years, depleted funds and the disappointment of not getting resolution from trained professionals, the sick woman persevered, with faith in Christ, until God performed the miraculous in her circumstances! Her story should infuse us with hope, renewed strength and vigor, and fortify our resolve and faith in God to fulfill what He promises and perform what He speaks! Jesus told her to go in peace, but I would suggest to you she was filled with that peace that passes all understanding that fueled her determination to get to Jesus, because despite the 12 long years and the crowd that pressed against Jesus, she was undeterred and undaunted in her motivation to forcefully take hold of the advancing kingdom she pressed her way through to get to!

I believe it was the same peace that prompted Peter to step out of the boat when he heard his Master’s voice say to him, ‘Come.’ Peter didn’t just impetuously step out, with adrenaline and emotion, to try to prove anything, or set himself apart as better than his companions who were with him in the boat. Peter’s step of faith began with a prayer, ‘Lord if it’s you, bid me to come.’ Peter was feeling compelled on the inside to step out, but to be sure it was Jesus, before he did, he petitioned to Jesus to confirm what he felt compelled to do. Faith in Christ compels us to take steps of faith towards unease and discomfort, and how often have you heard yourself, or others, say, ‘If I have peace, then I’ll move forward.’ As Peter stepped out and walked by the power and grace the peace afforded him, he could walk by faith over what was impossible. The moment he took in the reality of what was happening around him, he lost his peace.

May God bless you and help you to go in peace towards the fullness of life Christ came for you to have and teach you how to quiet and speak to your soul as you walk by faith.

  1. Shane says:

    Incredible post! Thank you for your insight.


    • myimmanuel says:

      It is always good hearing from you and the encouragement I receive from our fellowship! Thanks for the correction for the post and the timely words you speak that refresh me in my faith walk as the LORD refreshes you through me. As iron sharpens iron!


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